Camecom E-commerce Services

Bring Cambodia To The World !

23pier Co., Ltd. Before its establishment in Cambodia, it has many years of experience in the international market in the field of e-commerce. By setting out of this experience, it started its first e-commerce project in 2016. The first e-commerce site of the Speed Ferry Cambodia company, which travels between Koh Rong and Koh Rong Samloem Islands from Sihanoukville, is our first project.

Although there was no technical difficulty in preparing the e-commerce site in those periods, the payment system service in Cambodia was not provided by the banks. For this reason, we have the opportunity to start our first international project with Iyzico, one of the biggest payment systems of Turkey, which we have cooperated with the founding partner for years. From the collection of money to the transfer to Cambodia, they provided us with great convenience. In a 2 -year process, turnover was made over a total of 3 million USD (60 %of this amount is Iyzico and 40 %of PayPal collections).

In 2016, when we started the project, we also shared our experiences with ABA and ACLEDA banks and we did not neglect to give detailed briefs to IT departments managers. We hope that these banks have contributed a little to the formation and development of e-commerce payment services.

Camecom Main Page

And CAMECOM Was Born

In 2017, we started our Camecom project, where Cambodia would be commercially open to the world and increase the foreign exchange input to the country. CAM, Cambodia symbolizes; E-Commerce technology in ECOM. So for us, CAMECOM, Cambodia’s e-commerce center means. Our aim is to sell all products produced in Cambodia to the world! In this way, Cambodia’s USD reserves will increase and its economy will be even more powerful. 

Camecom's Strategic Steps



Each step of all processes is tested and proven quality

Lower Cost for Sales

3rd Party service but cheaper than your own service

International Platform

We are now carrying Cambodia to the world!