Zpinety: Your New WebToon, Manga & WebNovel Publishing Platform!
Why Zpinety?
- 100% Legal Content: First of all, we produce our own content with our own team. At the same time, we aimed to be in contact with different publishers so that these contents can be found in the world market.
- We respect Copyright: We do not publish known publications of different publishers without a copyright agreement. Although this may be time consuming and costly, legality is our most important principle.
- We are an International Publisher: We aim to publish our own content and the content we copyright in the fields of WebToon, Manga and Novel in at least 5 different languages.
- Let’s Grow the Sector Together: Instead of competing in the sector, we aim to work together and expand the sector. We can achieve this as long as we respect each other’s rights.

The Trace Left (WebToon)

Yui, who thinks her life is going normally and is interested in witchcraft, has been bewitched by her platonic classmate for many years.
The purpose of this spell is that the platonic Rinji wants to make him realize herself. However, things don’t go as she thinks and Yui’s life completely deviates from the term normal.
Hayatının normal bir şekilde ilerlediğini düşünen ve büyücülükle ilgilenen Yui, uzun yıllardır platonik sınıf arkadaşı tarafından büyülenmiştir.
Bu büyünün amacı platonik Rinji’nin onun kendini fark etmesini sağlamak istemesidir. Ancak işler düşündüğü gibi gitmez ve Yui’nin hayatı normal teriminden tamamen uzaklaşır.

Reflection (WebToon)

Three souls, one body, last chance. Sayuri, who was given a different chance for each soul, could not escape from misfortune. These misfortunes turn her life into a miracle and she comes to the world for the last time.
This life progresses in a gripping way. As the favorite princess of the kingdom, she finds herself in a love triangle. Maybe this triangle is her last misfortune, who knows?
Üç ruh tek beden, son şans. Her ruhuna ayrı şans tanınan Sayuri bir türlü talihsizlikten kurtulamamıştır. Bu talihsizlikler onun hayatını bir mucizeye çevirir ve son kez dünyaya gelir.
Bu hayatı sürükleyici bir şekilde ilerler. Kraliyetin gözde prensesi olarak aşk üçgeni içerisinde bulur kendisini. Bu üçgen son talihsizliğidir belki de, kim bilir?

Queen Mary's Revenge (WebNovel)

Edward, heir to the legendary pirate Blackbeard, and his nemesis Anne. Edward roams the seas with a map in his hand in search of a great treasure, while Anne seeks to rule the seas with her powerful ship, Queen Mary’s Revenge.
The paths of two pirates cross. After losing his ship, Edward joins Anne’s ship and together they pursue the treasure. However, their cooperation is strained by rivalry and trust issues. Both are wary of each other and of the dangerous waters where the treasure lies.
In this story of legends, prophecies and dangerous adventures, the characters face friendship, betrayal and hardship as they struggle in pursuit of the treasure.
Efsanevi korsan Karasakal’ın varisi olan Edward ve onun düşmanı Anne yer alır. Edward, büyük bir hazinenin peşinde, elinde bir harita ile denizlerde dolanırken, Anne ise güçlü gemisi Kraliçe Mary’nin İntikamı ile denizlerin hakimi olmaya çalışır.
İki korsanın yolları kesişir. Edward, kaybettiği gemisinin ardından Anne’in gemisine katılır ve birlikte hazinenin peşine düşerler. Ancak, aralarındaki rekabet ve güven problemleri nedeniyle gergin bir işbirliği yürütürler. İkisi de hem birbirlerine hem de hazinenin bulunduğu tehlikeli sulara karşı temkinlidirler.
Efsaneler, kehanetler ve tehlikeli maceralarla dolu bu hikayede, karakterler hazinenin peşinde mücadele ederken dostluk, ihanet ve zorluklarla karşı karşıya gelirler.
Zephyra's Whisper (WebNovel)
Violet, who lost her family in the prime of her life, lost her sense of belonging and just felt the need to go, encourages her friend Eugene, who wants to follow an imaginary legend, and convinces him to travel from country to country in pursuit of his goal.

Hayatının baharında ailesini kaybeden, aidiyet duygusunu yitiren ve sadece gitme ihtiyacı hisseden Violet, hayali bir efsanenin peşinden gitme isteginde olan arkadaşı Eugene’i cesaretlendirir ve onu amacının peşinden diyar diyar gezmeye ikna eder.